Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Vai DMI!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Concerto di Mika
Couple of things to say.
1. Had to delete those photos of me kissing those randoms. Yeah, it's a long story. Anyways, those links won't work anymore.
2. I'm going to a Mika concert! Yay! And if my goth union card wasn't snatched away from me, put through a paper shredder and then set on fire the moment I dyed my hair to it's natural colour then it certainly would be now. God I'm so ahamed of myself.
And I could have been sure there was more, lets see...
Ooh! I bought an mp3 player. His name is Mikey and he's cute as a button.
And now that's all.
1. Had to delete those photos of me kissing those randoms. Yeah, it's a long story. Anyways, those links won't work anymore.
2. I'm going to a Mika concert! Yay! And if my goth union card wasn't snatched away from me, put through a paper shredder and then set on fire the moment I dyed my hair to it's natural colour then it certainly would be now. God I'm so ahamed of myself.
And I could have been sure there was more, lets see...
Ooh! I bought an mp3 player. His name is Mikey and he's cute as a button.
And now that's all.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Costa Paradiso
Well, I'm back. Back from THE BEST 2 WEEKS OF MY LIFE! I want to MARRY Costa Paradiso (and also Michele, but that's another story), it is the most wonderful place on Earth and I must go there next year. I cried when I left, along with everyone else. I do not have words for how much I loved it. What I do have are pictures. Many many pictures. You can go see them by clicking the photo linky in the top right hand corner of this page then clicking the Costa Paradiso link. Also, because some of them need explaining I'm gonna do that here. Firstly tho, look at this:
That is me when I first arrived. Black hair, black clothes, very very pale.
OK, now look at this:
What the hell happend?! Blonde! Tanned! White dress! Where did the goth go?! I've also put on a bit of weight but I'd appreciate it if everyone just ignored that thanks. So yeah, Scary.
Anyways, on with the guided photo tour. This may take some time.
The, for lack of a better word, beach (and my host sister Giuditta). Not a lot in the way of sand but gorgeous water.
The finale of the Junior Club 'Music From Romance Movies' show. I'm being intorduced by the lovely Michele My host aprents have video of the whole thing but it's on tape so I can't put it on the net. Don't worry, you're not missing much.
Me and Giuseppe, who I sort of dated for 4 days before he went back home to Sicily. He didn't speak a word of English and had a Sicilian accent that I could barelly understand half the time, hence the 'sort of' before 'dating' coz we didn't do a lot of talking. What did we do with our time then I hear you ask? Weeeelllll..... http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f246/sweetfreedom1/Costa%20Paradiso/Spotorno169.jpg
Michele! Love love love love love! There are photos of him with me but I chose that one coz he looks so darn cute. Due to the fact he was gorgeous, sang like a pro and was one of those flirty types (cue flashback to that time when he stroked me face and said 'Rachel, you have such beautiful eyes' and then me struggling to remain concious) he had every single girl under the age of 18 (plus uh, me) chasing after him. Problem? He's 25. Hence lots of statuary rape jokes were made. The less said about the night we all found out he has a girlfriend the better.
Me singing 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' dressed as a lion in the Junior Club 'Music From Disney Movies' show. Ridiculous costumes. We have video but once again, on tape.
Me and Naked Daniele. There were two guys called Daniele so we had to nickname them. Why is this one called Naked Daniele? http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f246/sweetfreedom1/Costa%20Paradiso/Spotorno218.jpg
That's why. In somewhat related news, the adults only cabaret was awesome. I have video but it's to big to stick here. Sad.
The wonderful job I did of plucking Naked Daniele's eyebrows, despite the fact I had no idea what I was doing.
Just about all of us after the farewell show. How I'll miss those people.
My host family just after they won the raffle for a free week's stay there next year. Plus, sigh, Michele.
Me, Daniele (other Daniele) and Giuditta on the last night.
Me and Daniele say goodbye. Yeah, it turned out he'd like me the whole time but assumed that my mega-crush on Michele meant I wasn't interested in anyone else (completely false) and so didn't say anything until we were just about to leave. Damnit.
Me and Marco, Carlotta's (my younger host sister) holiday fling. And yeah, you know what's coming next....
That falls into 'dumb dare' territory. God I love Italy.
Nothing says 'goodbye' like fire.
And that's it. Well that's not it, there's a million more photos, I just put the ones that needed explanation here. Gop check out the rest now.
Oh yeah, we also went to Rome for a week. Met these really nice Venszualan gusy who spoke perfect English which was fantastic seeing as I haven't spoken face to face with anyone in English for at least 6 months. One of them said that if I'm ever in Caracas in the summer I can stay with him at his uncle's beach house. I'll load all the photos of Rome next week
God I love Italy.
PS: How the hell do you spell Venszualan?
That is me when I first arrived. Black hair, black clothes, very very pale.
OK, now look at this:
What the hell happend?! Blonde! Tanned! White dress! Where did the goth go?! I've also put on a bit of weight but I'd appreciate it if everyone just ignored that thanks. So yeah, Scary.
Anyways, on with the guided photo tour. This may take some time.
The, for lack of a better word, beach (and my host sister Giuditta). Not a lot in the way of sand but gorgeous water.
The finale of the Junior Club 'Music From Romance Movies' show. I'm being intorduced by the lovely Michele My host aprents have video of the whole thing but it's on tape so I can't put it on the net. Don't worry, you're not missing much.
Me and Giuseppe, who I sort of dated for 4 days before he went back home to Sicily. He didn't speak a word of English and had a Sicilian accent that I could barelly understand half the time, hence the 'sort of' before 'dating' coz we didn't do a lot of talking. What did we do with our time then I hear you ask? Weeeelllll..... http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f246/sweetfreedom1/Costa%20Paradiso/Spotorno169.jpg
Michele! Love love love love love! There are photos of him with me but I chose that one coz he looks so darn cute. Due to the fact he was gorgeous, sang like a pro and was one of those flirty types (cue flashback to that time when he stroked me face and said 'Rachel, you have such beautiful eyes' and then me struggling to remain concious) he had every single girl under the age of 18 (plus uh, me) chasing after him. Problem? He's 25. Hence lots of statuary rape jokes were made. The less said about the night we all found out he has a girlfriend the better.
Me singing 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' dressed as a lion in the Junior Club 'Music From Disney Movies' show. Ridiculous costumes. We have video but once again, on tape.
Me and Naked Daniele. There were two guys called Daniele so we had to nickname them. Why is this one called Naked Daniele? http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f246/sweetfreedom1/Costa%20Paradiso/Spotorno218.jpg
That's why. In somewhat related news, the adults only cabaret was awesome. I have video but it's to big to stick here. Sad.
The wonderful job I did of plucking Naked Daniele's eyebrows, despite the fact I had no idea what I was doing.
Just about all of us after the farewell show. How I'll miss those people.
My host family just after they won the raffle for a free week's stay there next year. Plus, sigh, Michele.
Me, Daniele (other Daniele) and Giuditta on the last night.
Me and Daniele say goodbye. Yeah, it turned out he'd like me the whole time but assumed that my mega-crush on Michele meant I wasn't interested in anyone else (completely false) and so didn't say anything until we were just about to leave. Damnit.
Me and Marco, Carlotta's (my younger host sister) holiday fling. And yeah, you know what's coming next....
That falls into 'dumb dare' territory. God I love Italy.
Nothing says 'goodbye' like fire.
And that's it. Well that's not it, there's a million more photos, I just put the ones that needed explanation here. Gop check out the rest now.
Oh yeah, we also went to Rome for a week. Met these really nice Venszualan gusy who spoke perfect English which was fantastic seeing as I haven't spoken face to face with anyone in English for at least 6 months. One of them said that if I'm ever in Caracas in the summer I can stay with him at his uncle's beach house. I'll load all the photos of Rome next week
God I love Italy.
PS: How the hell do you spell Venszualan?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Damnit, the problem with not updating in ages is that when I do finally get arround to updating I can't be bothered writing everything that I've done since I last updated. So i've decided that I'm going to write just a hint of what happened and if anybody wants to know more then they can say so in comment form (see, this will also get me more comments mwahahaha!) and I'll ellaborate in the next post. SAo here we go.
The guy that I didn't get with but I could have if I hadn't been such an idiot
The most fun I've had since I arrived here
Possibly the hottest guy I've ever seen who of course got with my host sister
Creeping through an abandoned convent
Stoners on bikes
And that's about it. If you want more then you're gonna have to ask for it.
Going to Rome day after tomorrow then from there straight to Sardinia so the next update may not be fore 3 weeks or so. Sorry.
The guy that I didn't get with but I could have if I hadn't been such an idiot
The most fun I've had since I arrived here
Possibly the hottest guy I've ever seen who of course got with my host sister
Creeping through an abandoned convent
Stoners on bikes
And that's about it. If you want more then you're gonna have to ask for it.
Going to Rome day after tomorrow then from there straight to Sardinia so the next update may not be fore 3 weeks or so. Sorry.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hello friends! I'm in Spotorno now, lovely little tourist town with the world's shittiest cinema but thankfully an internet cafe. That's where I am now.
Anyways, everything's going good. The group I hang out with is cool, except for one chick who has interpretted 'doesn't speak Italian' as 'retarded' and therefore talks to me like I'm 5 and teases me about using too much lip balm. One time she was talking to someone else about how she think's I'm so weird because I don't talk much (maybe because I CAN'T! Duh!) and I don't wear brandname clothes (most of the group are from Lake Como where fashion is everything so I'm somwhat of an oddity) and I was like 'Um, I can hear you. And understand you) and she laughed and kept on talking. Really don't like her. Nobody else does either because she's one of those 'What? Other people have needs and feelings? Since when?' types. I like to insult her in English. Fun times.
Sigh, it feels good to bitch.
There's a guy I have crush on too cept I'm gonna have to give up on that because a) he has a girlfriend and b) I tink he views me with either indifference or annoyance. Either way, not gonna happen.
So yeah, it's a good group, we get along good. There was an awkward patch after a teeny little incident that started with a bottle of vodka, wound it's way through yelling at Marco that I thought he was hot (can't remember which language it was in) vomiting and unconciousness and ended with hospitalization (I have learnt me lesson and I promise it will never happen again) but everything's OK now.
Oh, one last thing. Yesterday we went to Caravelle, which is this water park. And I overheard two seperate groups of people speaking English. First time in many many months if you don't count over the phone. First group were a rather fat American family in front of us in line. I spent a blissful 5 minutes or so listening to one of them talk about how something or other kicked as. It's been so long since I heard the phrase 'kicked ass'. Then at the train station I overheard someone say 'Oh my god, you are such a bogan'... with an Australian accent! First Australians I've encounted since I got here! (not counting the other exchange students I came with) I had to restrain myself from running after them squealing 'My people! My people!'
So yeah, didn't realise how much I've missed the English language until then. When I get back I'm going to be staring around me all 'Oh my god, I can understand what everyone's saying! I can eavesdrop! This is mental!'
One last thing. My grammar is so bad. So so bad. I sound retarded. When I get back I'm going to sound so stupid.
Anyways, everything's going good. The group I hang out with is cool, except for one chick who has interpretted 'doesn't speak Italian' as 'retarded' and therefore talks to me like I'm 5 and teases me about using too much lip balm. One time she was talking to someone else about how she think's I'm so weird because I don't talk much (maybe because I CAN'T! Duh!) and I don't wear brandname clothes (most of the group are from Lake Como where fashion is everything so I'm somwhat of an oddity) and I was like 'Um, I can hear you. And understand you) and she laughed and kept on talking. Really don't like her. Nobody else does either because she's one of those 'What? Other people have needs and feelings? Since when?' types. I like to insult her in English. Fun times.
Sigh, it feels good to bitch.
There's a guy I have crush on too cept I'm gonna have to give up on that because a) he has a girlfriend and b) I tink he views me with either indifference or annoyance. Either way, not gonna happen.
So yeah, it's a good group, we get along good. There was an awkward patch after a teeny little incident that started with a bottle of vodka, wound it's way through yelling at Marco that I thought he was hot (can't remember which language it was in) vomiting and unconciousness and ended with hospitalization (I have learnt me lesson and I promise it will never happen again) but everything's OK now.
Oh, one last thing. Yesterday we went to Caravelle, which is this water park. And I overheard two seperate groups of people speaking English. First time in many many months if you don't count over the phone. First group were a rather fat American family in front of us in line. I spent a blissful 5 minutes or so listening to one of them talk about how something or other kicked as. It's been so long since I heard the phrase 'kicked ass'. Then at the train station I overheard someone say 'Oh my god, you are such a bogan'... with an Australian accent! First Australians I've encounted since I got here! (not counting the other exchange students I came with) I had to restrain myself from running after them squealing 'My people! My people!'
So yeah, didn't realise how much I've missed the English language until then. When I get back I'm going to be staring around me all 'Oh my god, I can understand what everyone's saying! I can eavesdrop! This is mental!'
One last thing. My grammar is so bad. So so bad. I sound retarded. When I get back I'm going to sound so stupid.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Anonamous person, seeing as I am a paranoid person by nature, I shall from now of view you with hostility until I know who you are. Sorry, just the way I am.
Anyways, to business. Something terrible has happened. Something I was hoping I could escape when I came here has followed me. I've seen it lurking in shops, watching waiting, biding it's time until it invaded my home. Oh yes, they have come. There is no escaping them. They are...... Crocs.
Noooo!!! The horror! THE HORROR!
Seriously, I hate them I hate them I hate them with their bright plasticky rubberyness and there uglyness and people wearing them outside like they're normal shoes and sometimes over socks! Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!! My host mum and sister bought home a pair each to use as house shoes seeing as it's getting to warm for slippers and then my host dad and other host sister decided they wanted pairs too and so now I am the only Crocless person in the house. And proud to be.
So yeah, whenever I open the shoe cupboard they sit there, laughing at me with their uglyness.
This is all George Clooney's fault, apparantly it was after he wore some to some event that they became popular over here. Yeah, thanks George.
Anyways, to business. Something terrible has happened. Something I was hoping I could escape when I came here has followed me. I've seen it lurking in shops, watching waiting, biding it's time until it invaded my home. Oh yes, they have come. There is no escaping them. They are...... Crocs.
Noooo!!! The horror! THE HORROR!
Seriously, I hate them I hate them I hate them with their bright plasticky rubberyness and there uglyness and people wearing them outside like they're normal shoes and sometimes over socks! Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!! My host mum and sister bought home a pair each to use as house shoes seeing as it's getting to warm for slippers and then my host dad and other host sister decided they wanted pairs too and so now I am the only Crocless person in the house. And proud to be.
So yeah, whenever I open the shoe cupboard they sit there, laughing at me with their uglyness.
This is all George Clooney's fault, apparantly it was after he wore some to some event that they became popular over here. Yeah, thanks George.
Monday, June 25, 2007
C'mon, at least tell me wether you're someone I actually know or a random who's somehow found this site somewhere. Please? I just want to know.
Anyways, I have a problem. I seem to have a sign posted on my forehead that says 'Hi, if you're an asshole please hit on me, constantly, nomatter how many times I tell you to leave me alone. After a while I'm sure to change my mind. If you're a perfectly nice guy then leave me the hell alone'. Or at least that's the only explanation for why I seem to be attractiung so many stronzi (a stronzo is a guy who dresses kind of metro, lots of gel in the hair, maybe a facial peircing or two, occasionally a druggie and allways it seems, an asshole. There isn't really a word for them in English) seem to be attracted to me. Seriously, they do not leave me alone! And it would be ok except the nice, well dressed attractive Italian guys? Don't give me the time of day.
I had a theory for a while that it was because no nice guy would consider dating a girl who barelly speaks their language, while an asshole would find it a plus, but that doesn't make sense anymore because they start hitting on me before they know I don't speak a whole lot of Italian. Then when I say 'Sorry, I didn't understand you, I don't speak much Italian, you must speak slowly' or 'Scusa, non ho capito, non parlo tanto italiano, devi parlare piano', whichever, they get this 'Oh sweet!' look on their faces and don't leave me alone for the rest of the night.
So yeah, that's my main problem at the moment. That and I need to try and figure out an excuse to start a conversation with the cute bartender that works Sundays at our hangout bar. (W have a hangout bar! Isn't that neat?)
Anyways, I have a problem. I seem to have a sign posted on my forehead that says 'Hi, if you're an asshole please hit on me, constantly, nomatter how many times I tell you to leave me alone. After a while I'm sure to change my mind. If you're a perfectly nice guy then leave me the hell alone'. Or at least that's the only explanation for why I seem to be attractiung so many stronzi (a stronzo is a guy who dresses kind of metro, lots of gel in the hair, maybe a facial peircing or two, occasionally a druggie and allways it seems, an asshole. There isn't really a word for them in English) seem to be attracted to me. Seriously, they do not leave me alone! And it would be ok except the nice, well dressed attractive Italian guys? Don't give me the time of day.
I had a theory for a while that it was because no nice guy would consider dating a girl who barelly speaks their language, while an asshole would find it a plus, but that doesn't make sense anymore because they start hitting on me before they know I don't speak a whole lot of Italian. Then when I say 'Sorry, I didn't understand you, I don't speak much Italian, you must speak slowly' or 'Scusa, non ho capito, non parlo tanto italiano, devi parlare piano', whichever, they get this 'Oh sweet!' look on their faces and don't leave me alone for the rest of the night.
So yeah, that's my main problem at the moment. That and I need to try and figure out an excuse to start a conversation with the cute bartender that works Sundays at our hangout bar. (W have a hangout bar! Isn't that neat?)
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