Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Concerto di Mika

Couple of things to say.
1. Had to delete those photos of me kissing those randoms. Yeah, it's a long story. Anyways, those links won't work anymore.
2. I'm going to a Mika concert! Yay! And if my goth union card wasn't snatched away from me, put through a paper shredder and then set on fire the moment I dyed my hair to it's natural colour then it certainly would be now. God I'm so ahamed of myself.
And I could have been sure there was more, lets see...
Ooh! I bought an mp3 player. His name is Mikey and he's cute as a button.
And now that's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note to Rachel: next time we speak, tell me why said photos had to be deleted, I am curious.