Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rachel desidera DVDs! Ora!

Departure time is drawing ever closer. I'm gradually ticking things of the list of stuff to do before I leave: buying gifts for host family, planning going away party (January 12 people, all and sundry are invited), ordering Numb3rs DVDs off Amazon, paying extra postage so the DVDs arrive before I leave, checking the letter box even though the DVDs aren't due to arrive for another 3 days, checking the DVDs progress on Amazon package tracker, yelling at Ohio for stealing my DVDs, etc. Why yes, I have gone insane. Also on my mind, what's more useful to me, an MP3 player or a portable DVD player. Choices choices.
Happy New Year in case I don't post for a while, I'm going to Aimee's house for a few days so I can go to her brother's friend's party, where I will finally have the opportunity to take my revenge on stupid fricking Matt for the thing with the kiss and the telling everyone the next day and the blowing things completely out of proportion. And who actually uses the phrase 'I rocked her world' in utter seriousness? So yes, 2 years of seething is finally going to bubble up to the surface. Until then, byebye.

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