Wednesday, January 24, 2007


That means spoon. One of the many words I'm learning. Always gives me trouble for some reason, I think it's the four (quattro, just practicing) vowels in a row.
Anyways, I'm in Torino now, with my host family. I'll take just one moment to say how awesome they are, they drove all the way to Milan to pick me up, are being super-nice and helping me learn Italian and of course, they're allowing me to live in their house and be part of their family for almost a whole year. Anyways, I'm having a great time. During day it's just me and my host mtoher who doesn't speak English (Host dad's at work and sisters are at school, I'll be starting school week after next) which is sometimes a little tricky but we manage. I am gradually learning more Italian, as of this moment I know the numbers up to 100, most colours, cutlery (I'm not allowed to start eating unless I can name everything on the table), greetings and of course, thankyou (grazie) and please (per favore) because I am a nice polite exchange student, plus some other random words.
And that's about it.Will post again soon, I promise.

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