Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm eighteen! Wooooo! Would be better if the mp3 player my parents sent me had arrived but you know, everything's good. My host family gave me presents, a pair of shoes and a bag plus they paid for the expensive watch I bought last week. So good times. Plus I saw Pirates ofg the Caribbean 3. It was like X-Men 3 all over again with the love but hate and the chracter detahs and the scene after the credits that completely changes everything. I've been all twitchy since I watched it coz whenever I see a movie I feel really passionately about I need to yell about it to someone, but noone else has seen it so I just wrote it all down in my scribble book. It's just not the same!
So what else is new... it's really hot here. Well not so much hot, its only about 24C, but it's really himid so it feels much hotter. I found out that the school holidays here go for 3 months and we're spending the entire time at the coast. Awesome awesome. Don't think there's anything else... oh yeah, we're going to a wedding on Saturday, that's gonna be cool, then I'm making Snickerdoodles on Sunday. Yay yay. And that is all.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rachel.Hope you had a good celebration and your parcel arrives soon.

Anonymous said...

Girl, I haven't heard from you in ages! I know you're going on vacation, but god, find a little time! I misses you!! *cry*

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear whats going in in your life. Any updates on your blog? Soooon?