Monday, June 18, 2007


Hiya. Sorry, about the lack of posts but... yeah, I just couldn't be bothered. Every now and then when something interesting happens and I think 'hmm, maybe I should write this on the blog' and then I open the webpage and look at for a while and then think ' maybe later' and then next thing I know it's 2 weeks later and something else interesting has happened and the whole process repeats itself. But then some anonymous someone left a comment asking me to post and I felt guilty so here I am. So. Yeah. I think I'll just write the vaguely interesting things that have happened in point form. In no particular order:
-The mp3 player from my parents never arrived. Damn post office bastards.
-I decided that I like milk now. I've never liked milk, but then I haven't tried it in myabe 10 years, and so we went to this dairy farm place to buy some icecream (best icecream I've ever tasted by the way) and they also had milk for really cheap coz you know, it was a dairy farm, so we bought some milk and my host parents said 'why don't you try it? We know you don't like milk but this is really good milk so maybe you'll like it' so I tried it and it was really yummy so now I have a glass of milk every day at breakfast.
-I kissed 2 random guys at a party. Couldn't write that right after it actually happened coz I didn't want my parents to read it but now they know so it's OK. What worries me though is that when I told my mum she said 'What, again?' which means she knows about the last time (yes there was a last time shut up), How, I do not know. Should probably ask her about that.
-One of my host sisters' friends is possibly pregnant. I won't say any more coz that would be betraying her trust but yeah.
- School finnished, I ended up covered in flour and water after the big food fight they have every year. Yummy.
- I went to my first disco. It was kinda dissapointing, it was too hot, there were too many people (everyone thought this) and I only saw the guy I liked once. Damn!
I think that's about it really. There's probably some other stuff but I've forgotten it. I'll write it next time. I'll try and make an effort to post more, I promise, cept soon I'll be going on holiday and won't have internet access for a while. Like, a month. Yeah, I know, I'm going to go insane.


Anonymous said...

Hi,good to get the lowdown on life in Italy.I hope you can get to an internet cafe or something while your on holidays as I always enjoy hearing your latest. If you cant I do understand though. Hope you have a great holiday and dont get to sunburnt.I hope your host sisters friend makes good decisions for her and her babies future. What a shock.Oh and sorry to hear you didnt get your parcel yet,how unfair!!!

Anonymous said...

She knows about the 2 guys thing because you posted about it back in January after it happened. Silly Rachel. :P