Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Damnit, the problem with not updating in ages is that when I do finally get arround to updating I can't be bothered writing everything that I've done since I last updated. So i've decided that I'm going to write just a hint of what happened and if anybody wants to know more then they can say so in comment form (see, this will also get me more comments mwahahaha!) and I'll ellaborate in the next post. SAo here we go.

The guy that I didn't get with but I could have if I hadn't been such an idiot
The most fun I've had since I arrived here
Possibly the hottest guy I've ever seen who of course got with my host sister
Creeping through an abandoned convent
Stoners on bikes

And that's about it. If you want more then you're gonna have to ask for it.

Going to Rome day after tomorrow then from there straight to Sardinia so the next update may not be fore 3 weeks or so. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

An abandoned convent? That I would like to hear more about.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know more about the most fun since you got there and if that is related to the guy you didnt get with but as it turns out liked you.Ahhh Rome.