Tuesday, February 13, 2007


You know what's neat? Volleyball's called the same thing in Italian. Makes things a lot easier to understand in Gym class. Not so neat? I really really suck at volleyball. Like, everyone claps and says encouraging things when I have to serve. Or at least I think they're saying encouraging things. That's what it sounds like. So yeah, had gym class for the first time today. Fun fun, except not, because I have the coordination of a retarded giant clam and the only gym-apropriate pants I own are shorts and even though there are heaters in the gym it's still pretty damn cold so my legs go all goosebumpy and blotchy (damn yee super pale coplexion!) and I end up looking like a plucked chicken. Yeah, how hot am I.
In other news, the guy I have a crush on smells like toasted marshmallows. That is all.
PS: Comment you bastards!


Anonymous said...

You are not unloved, I check your blog all the time! In fact, you don't update enough! Loves, - Aimee

Anonymous said...

yea, i read your blog to
